Monday's Faves


Every quilt is different. I always have the hardest time choosing which quilt to take with me to a portrait session. I don't always know what outfit my client will be wearing, so it is hard to make the best decision on colors. I tend to take at least three quilts with me to a session (but I end up with about five, ha!). I take all three, but end up using one (maybe two). There is always one that matches *perfectly*. I always grab a quilt full of blues because they seem to match best. I then grab a quilt that is full of different colors. This will ensure that it *should* match my client's outfit. The third quilt is typically an additional multi colored quilt (because they are all so different), or sometimes I will throw in a quilt with lighter colors or more white. 

These three quilts below are three that I would take with me to a photo session if I had one today (wait, I do! So, if they are still available tonight at 5PM, I will be using one of these!). They are all still available on my website, as of 8AM, 10/30/17. 


Nine Patch Quilt - $135

This extra cozy quilt is perfect for outdoor sessions! It does have more pink than normal, but it would still show up well for photos and match most outfit combinations. The hints of green and yellow help it to match other colors besides pink! I have a crush on this quilt.

View this quilt here


Patchwork Quilt - $125

This quilt is perfect for fall! These warm colors would work so well with the changing leaves. It would also pop well against the green grass during other seasons. I love the range of colors and a pop of yellow is always a good idea. 

View this quilt here


Variation Quilt - $115

This fun quilt is a favorite of mine. The pops of green would work great for an outdoor family session. The other areas of the quilt are a range of colors helping it to match any color combo your client shows up wearing. The green (similar to blue) tends to match really well with outfit color choices. 

View this quilt here


Monday's Faves


Not every quilt can work for every session. This is why I always go to a session with three or more quilts in my car. Most of the time I will use only one, but I never know which one until my clients have arrived. 

When choosing which three (or ten) to take with me, I tend to look for a few key things. First, I grab a quilt full of blue. From experience, quilts with more blue are more likely to match your client's unknown outfit choices. Second, I grab a quilt with a lot of different colors. This will almost guarantee that it will match your client's clothes. Third, if I have a quilt full of neutrals, I will grab that as well. 

I know many photographers love shooting with mostly white, or extra light colored quilts. I personally don't shoot with these, but they tend to match well too. A quilt with lighter colors may match better than a quilt with super bright colors. But, with more white, there is a greater chance that the white will have blown highlights. 

So, it is up to you, your style, and your clients.

The three quilts below are three I would take with me if I had a session today. They are currently available for purchase in the shop (as of 8AM, 10/16/17).


Shoe Fly Quilt - $90

This simple quilt is a favorite of mine. I tend to use quilts with less white than this, but when it has this much blue (or all blue!), it is a must! Blue is my favorite color to use during a photo session. 

Click here to view this quilt. 


Patchwork Quilt - $85

This brighter quilt is great for photo sessions because it is full of different colors. This quilt will match most outfit choices that your client shows up wearing. 

Click here to view this quilt. 


Block Quilt - $75

This quilt is full of different colors, but also has pops of blue. These will add contrast to your photos and will most likely match your client's outfit choices. 

Click here to view this quilt. 


Shout Out | Jackie Finn Photography

Three months is one of the hardest ages to photograph. But, Jackie, of Jackie Finn Photography, did such a good job with a little one that was wide awake! I love how Jackie used this quilt for not only typical family photos, but used it as a backdrop for the baby. 

She also used the quilt as a filler for the other prop she had on hand. Many times, for newborns and not sitters, quilts are the perfect piece to use to help prop up a baby. Lastly, she used the back of the quilt for an additional background (genius!!)! This quilt has a beautiful pink back and paired perfectly with the white dress. 

I love seeing the different ways you guys use your quilts. It brings me SO MUCH JOY. 

All photos from Jackie Finn Photography
All photos by Jackie Finn Photography

Meet the Photographer

Meet Jackie! Jackie is from Louisville, KY and photographs families and little babes. She also finds herself shooting weddings and events on occasion. She has three young kids (twin 4 year olds girls (OMG, so sweet!) and a 2 year old boy) and they keep her extra busy with less time to shoot full time. She has been working hard to expand, learn, and better herself as a photographer. She loves taking photos and capturing moments, which is why she loves documenting kids. 

Go show Jackie some love and see more of Jackie Finn Photography here: Facebook, Website, Instragram (@jackiefinnphotography)

do you want to see your session shared here? read more here about how to submit your photos.
