Shout Out | Brooke Musial Photography

Quilts were made for mommy and me sessions. These photos from Brooke Musial Photography are perfect, full of love, and make me want a daughter. These are photos that this sweet girl will always cherish, forever. 

Brooke chose a stunning location during magic hour and used her Stitched and Found quilt as the perfect layer for some momma snuggles. Quilts don't have to be the focal point of a session, they don't need to be. The people you are shooting should be the main focus. But, goodness, they add the perfect bit of texture to photos. 

All Photos by Brooke Musial Photography
All Photos by Brooke Musial Photography
All Photos by Brooke Musial Photography

Meet the Photographer: 

Brooke is located in Fort Collins, CO, but orinigially from Oswego, NY. She typucally spends her time shooting weddings, but has recently found a love for shooting families and children. She has been shooting professionally since 2010 and can't remember a time when she didn't have a camera in her hand. She has two little girls (2.5 and 9 WEEKS!!) with her husband Chris! 

Go show Brooke some love and see more of Brooke Musial Photography here: Website, Facebook, and Instragram (@brookemusialphotography)

do you want to see your session shared here? read more here about how to submit your photos.
