Quilts Are Made to Be Cuddled

When you work from home, it's raining, and it's the day after a holiday, this is all you feel like doing.

Annnnnd real life: I wanted to take a super cute photo of me cuddled up on the couch with this soft quilt. But my husband is gone, and I couldn't figure out the remote timer. So, this is the photo you get. 

Pink and White

I have added hints of pink into my living room, and I am not hating it. These pops of pink are just what I needed to decorate for spring! I also have some pink pillows on my couch! Maybe pink is the new white. Both of these lovely quilts are still available in the store! 

Always *too* close

I have issues with personal space. It is common knowledge among my close family and well, of course my husband. But this dog does. not. understand. She would literally be in my lap every second of every day if I let her, could even handle that. But goodness, does she love me so well. 

So, Heidi, take a step back, perfect. 

This lovely rug was picked by one of my fave Nashville Flea Market vendors for me! It is long and perfect for my little hall way. These things should definitely make a come back.