My favorite quilts are the ones that are white with one color throughout. I love how simple they are. There are a few like this listed in the shop! Jump over and check them out!
Winter Goals
During these winter months, I am going to list new quilts every other week (instead of the normal weekly listing). It allows me time to rest from a crazy Fall. And, well, this just isn't the time of year for flea markets and estate sales!
Oh, and this lovely quilt is still available. I love it, stains and all.
I *love* this afghan!
Six months ago, you would have seen packages on my door steps on Saturdays. I wanted everything to be shipped as fast as possible. So, I would use my Friday nights and my Saturday mornings for work. But, not now. Our weekends and Friday nights are for us. I know many of you are deep in editing, but I beg you to make time for yourself and your family! Your business will not suffer by taking time to go on a date, baking cookies with your kids, or sleeping in on a Saturday.