artifact uprising

Printing My Days

I've recently been convicted of the number of photos found in the cloud on my computer and the handful of photos laying around my house. There are zero photos of my niece in my house, and she is now TWO! 

This winter, we purchased a film camera. We bought it with the intention of documenting our day-to-day. My plan is to make a quarterly/yearly book full of photos. To kick that off, I built a book from our recent trip to San Fransisco. This trip is forever documented off of social media. Our children will be able to sit on the couch and touch each image. It is a conversation starter, and it looks dang good sitting on that coffee table! ha! 

So, print your photos. Whether through Red Tree or Shutterfly, get them off your computer. Take photos of yourself. Document those around you. Because friends, these days are fleeting. 

Album printed by Artifact Uprising.